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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Impact of Employee Engagement on Retention in...

Impact of Employee Engagement on Retention in Higher Education Institutions

Author Name : Priyanka Thakral


Employee engagement and retention is a major challenge faced by the universities. The intent behind this research was to gauge the impact of staff management and determining the effective engagement strategies to check employee attrition. The descriptive research methodology is used along with a quantitative survey questionnaire distributed to 200 employees of the institution. Response rate of 58% was obtained. Certainty about the expectations, realization of the job importance and believing that the skills are being utilized at the best among the greater part of the participants were the key observation of the study. The major concerns of the employees were lack of feedback regarding progress and absence of recognition. The study provides the insight of specific work place practices to human resource practitioners which will contribute towards employee engagement and have a positive effect on employee retention. Employee engagement interventions can be developed on the basis of findings of the study that will address the existing shortcomings of HR practices in the institutions.