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Impact of Random Waypoint Mobility on Reactive routing Protocols of Scalable Mobile Ad hoc Network

Author Name : Poonam, Dr.C.K.Nagpal

Abstract: Mobile ad hoc networks are the self-configuring network, in which, there is no centralized access point. The mobile nodes itself act as the routers for one another. MANET is basically a wireless ad hoc network with the routing capability. Scalability and Mobility have measure impact on the behavior of ad hoc routing protocols. Before deploying these protocols on the network, we must observe their performance under various circumstances. Simulation is a very effective and efficient technique for measuring their behavior in this decentralized infrastructure less network. This paper focuses on the characteristic measure of reactive routing protocols (DSR, AODV, DYMO, IERP and LAR1) for different criteria on application layer and transport layer of Internet .We compare the behavior of these protocols with the increasing number of nodes using Random Waypoint Mobility Model and taking pause time as the main criterion. Traffic load is constant and network load is varying in this analysis.