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Importance of Primary Sector and Its Contribu...

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Importance of Primary Sector and Its Contribu...

Importance of Primary Sector and Its Contribution to the Indian Economy As Well As Telangana State

Author Name : Dhuppalli Thirmal Yaadav


Agribusiness makes up around 17.5% of our nation's GDP. Our populace participates in these activities to the tune of around 48.9%. The primary sector gives industry the fundamentals. India produces the majority of its goods through agriculture. Additionally, there is a tremendous market demand for these goods worldwide. In terms of exports, India has played a significant role. Fishing and agriculture both continue to expand. India ranks 2nd in terms of Fishing. In terms of rice output, India comes in second. India produces the fourth-most wheat worldwide. Industries that harvest raw resources for use by other sectors of the economy are included in the primary sector of the economy. It is the foundation for all other items, which is why it is referred to as the primary sector. Since the majority of natural goods. Agriculture and associated sector is another name for the primary sector because the majority of the natural items we eat originate from forestry, dairy, agriculture, and fisheries. Crops' contribution to Telangana Gross State Value Added (GSVA) at Current Prices grew by 103% between 2014–15 and 2021–22, from Rs. 41,706 crores to Rs. 84,785 crores (AE). Between 2018-19 and 2019-20, the GSVA of crops at present prices significantly increases (from 48,366 crores in 2018-19 to 77,338 crores in 2019-20).This paper mainly focused on the primary sector and its contribution to the economy Telangana and India.

Keywords: Agriculture, primary sector, economy, allied sector, forestry and fishing.