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India and China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (C...

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India and China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (C...

India and China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)

Author Name : Dr. Rajesh Chandra Mishra


China in recent years made significant offers to Pakistan because the former conceives of Islamabad as a partner that can play crucial role in restraining India. Many observers including political analysts, security and defence experts interpret these initiatives as a Chinese attempt to further its expansionist agenda in the wider Indo-Pacific region and to achieve a strategic encirclement of India in South Asia. India has expressed its reservations about the project, as the proposed CPEC will pass through the through territory disputed between Pakistan and India. In this context, the present paper sought to assess the crucial security issues involved in CPEC. It would also throw light on the concealed rationale behind the CPEC initiative. Further it would discuss the security implications to India from CPEC.

Keywords: China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, Belt and Road Initiative, India, Jammu and Kashmir