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Indian Justice System VIS-À-VIS Impact of Globalization: A Critical Study

Author Name : Adv. Naveen Saju





Globalization is considered to be a global phenomenon which is not at all restricted by any territorial jurisdictions or territorial laws of any particular nation. The twentieth century plays a very crucial role in the adaptation of the concept of globalization all over the world which actually helps to bring the world into a global village where there are transnational and supranational relationships with all the nations in the world. In one way, the globalization helps to bring peace and harmony among various nations in the world since it is very evident that after the emergence of globalization, no further world war has broken out yet since many nations will be affected with such an incident if happens after globalization takes place all over the world. Even though globalization has large scale positive impacts in the nation, the major adverse impact of globalization is that it will at certain times shatter the basic ideology of democracy as well as the cardinal principle of rule of law since there is no defined territory, particular population and a popular common sovereign for the good governance of the nation. Here comes the role of administration of justice in a globalized nation where the justice system plays a crucial role for keeping up the rule of law democracy even when the nation is globalized. As per the theory of justice by Sir John Rawls, it clearly mentions that the principles of justice are not at all delimited to any particular nation or people residing over there but it is much more extended whole acceptance of universal human rights which can be considered to be the corner stone of every democratic nation.

KEYWORDS: Globalization, Law and Justice, Theory of Justice, Democracy, Rule of Law, Human Rights, Social Justice