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Integrating Restaurant POS with Labor Schedul...

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Integrating Restaurant POS with Labor Schedul...

Integrating Restaurant POS with Labor Scheduling Systems for Improved Efficiency

Author Name : Akash Gill

ABSTRACT Adopting POS into labor management systems has helped transform the restaurant business, most notably when the SpotOn POS system was merged with HotSchedules in 2019. This article also looks at how this integration helped labor management by automating scheduled tasks, ensuring data security, and implementing quickly across hundreds of restaurants. It also describes the Go-based services, how to move data securely, and how to store them properly in Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). In addition, integrating effective labor efficiency, decision-making, and compliance with legislation positively changes employee satisfaction and retention. Given that the current developments of AI and ML are crucial to enhancing POS-labor scheduling integration, the future will be even brighter. It also discovers the prospect of improving innovation in labor forecasts and predictive schedules, encouraging the restaurant industry to advance technologically