Posted Date : 03rd Jun, 2023
Publishing in UGC-approved journals offers several advantages, includi...
Posted Date : 03rd Jun, 2023
UGC-approved journals refer to the scholarly journals that have been a...
Posted Date : 09th Sep, 2022
The University of Pune is going to update the ugc care listed journals...
Posted Date : 09th Sep, 2022
IJARESM Publication have various tie ups with many Conference/Seminar ...
Posted Date : 07th Mar, 2022
Call For Papers : LokSanwad Foundation Aurangabad, Maharashtra One Day...
IoT based Smart Watch for Health Monitoring of Elderly People
Author Name : Himanshu Sharma, Parth Dogra, Khushi Yadav, Muskaan Mittal, Harshita Tomar
The Internet of Things (IoT) has evolved rapidly during recent years, urging its users tomake use of various information anywhere and anytime. Part of (IoT) is the smartwatchand other wearable technology devices. The widespread use of these devices enablestheir users to have immediate access to different medical information and physicalactivities. The specific features of smartwatches urge many users to adopt thistechnology; these features include pairing with mobile phones to expose different phonefeatures, providing notification, providing watch faces and timekeeping capabilities.Wearable devices have appeared as a significant tool that can help measurephysiological parameters such as heart rate and arterial blood pressure to reach thefinal goal, which enhances healthcare efficiency. In other words, Smartwatch is useful inthe medical field because it combines features of smartphones as well as providingprompt feedback permitting a fast communication process between patients and doctors.