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Juvenile Justice System In India

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Juvenile Justice System In India

Juvenile Justice System In India

Author Name : Sangeeta

ABSTRACT: A juvenile is one who has not completed the age of 18 years. In the growing world the crime against juveniles is also growing day by day. In 1986 the Juvenile Justice act was enacted by the parliament to provide protection, care, development, rehabilitation and treatment to delinquent and negligent juveniles. The act was amended in 2000, 2006 and 2010. The law was criticized after the Nirbhaya (Delhi gang rape) case owing to the inability against the crimes where juveniles get involved in such heinous crime. So, the juvenile was passed by the parliament and it became the act of 2015. It came into force on 15 January, 2016. Juveniles of the country are the future and the growth prospects of the country depends upon the children. So, it is the duty of every citizen to ensure that the juveniles have a safe environment.