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Krill Herd Algorithm Based Economic Dispatch ...

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Krill Herd Algorithm Based Economic Dispatch ...

Krill Herd Algorithm Based Economic Dispatch of Microgrid

Author Name : R. Karthikeyan


Microgrids have gained growing attention because of the enormous benefits they may provide to both the conventional electricity system and local communities. A microgrid’s generating units might have varying fuel usage curves. The highest efficiency is achieved when the generators are at their rated capacity. More significant generators usually are more efficient than smaller ones. Each generating unit has a distinct cost function when fuel consumption is considered. For the ultimate objective of reducing fuel use, a more advanced dispatch strategy is needed. The herding behaviour of krill is used as a basis for the algorithm that controls the krill herds. The movement of the krill herd is based on goal functions, such as keeping the herd as close to food as possible while maintaining the maximum possible density, and adaptive genetic operators are incorporated to improve performance. The krill herd algorithm is used in this research to design a system for economically dispatching generating units to loads in a microgrid. The krill herd algorithm may obtain the genuine optimum for lowering fuel usage. This is the most cost-effective method of delivering produced electricity to consumers. Numerical examples are used to illustrate the primary point of this piece. Based on the findings of a conventional test system simulation, the suggested algorithm’s efficacy is shown. Comparing our method’s simulation findings with those from existing algorithms, it can befound that it consumes fewer gallons per hour than the current industry standard.

Keywords: Economic Dispatch, Quadratic Cost Function,Microgrid, Krill Herd Algorithm.