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Literary Review of Sheetapitta W.S.R to Urtic...

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Literary Review of Sheetapitta W.S.R to Urtic...

Literary Review of Sheetapitta W.S.R to Urticaria

Author Name : Dr. Sakshi Awasthi


In Ayurvedic texts "Sheetapitta, Udarda, Kotha" these three disorders are described almost similar but having a few different characters and causative factors. All the skin disorders in Ayurvedic literature have been described under the term "Kushtha". Sheetapittadi Rogadhikara is explained after Kushtha Rogadhikara in some texts, the reason of this as quoted by Madhava Nidana -Sheetapitta and Kushtha bear certain attributes like Twak Dushti and Tridosha Dushti in common, hence explained one after the another, which explains specifically that vitiation of Twak by three humours in common to both diseases.

In classics, allergic manifestations can be compared with the concept of Satmya-Asatmya. It manifests due to exposure to Asatmya Ahara Vihara and contact with different materials [allergens]. Urticaria is a type-1 hypersensitivity reaction which is manifested because of exposure to such allergens.