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Machine Learning Research Publications: A Sci...

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Machine Learning Research Publications: A Sci...

Machine Learning Research Publications: A Scientometric Analysis

Author Name : K. Sivasami


This paper examines on Scientometric analysis of Machine Learning research publications, the data have been collected from the Scopus database; the study period is during (2011-2020). Totally 51439 records were retrieved and downloaded during the study period. Machine Learning research publications shows an increasing trend, the year wise research publications in machine learning shows on increasing from 1.81 per cent to 33.80 per cent.  53.14 per cent of papers were published in Journals, 37.39 per cent of papers in Conference Proceedings, 8.19 per cent of papers in Book Series, 1.09 per cent of papers in Books. out of 51439 papers in Machine Learning research  Huang, G.B. occupies first position with 78  contribution, Mosavi, A. has Second position with 51 contributions, Lendasse, A. has third position with 49 contributions. The authorship pattern in machine learning research performance, six and above authors collaborative contributions were 57.29 per cent, Five authors collaborative contributions were 24.17 per cent. Chinese Academy of Sciences has occupies first position with 687 contributions, Ministry of Education China has second position with 512 contributions, Massachusetts Institute of Technology has third position with 364 contributions.

 Keywords: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Automatically Learn, Algorithms.