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Managing Stress To Maintain Well-Being In Hig...

Managing Stress To Maintain Well-Being In Higher Education Through Guidance And Counselling During Covid-19 Pandemic: A Way To Promote Wellness In This Current New Normal Situation

Author Name : Poulomi Sarkar





Mental health just like physical health, and just as we monitor our bodies for potential problems or pain, we should keep tabs on our mental health and try to better recognize when it needs some attention. Mental health is “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his/her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his/her community”. There is emerging evidence that positive mental health is associated with positive mental health outcomes. Mental health is basically the key through which individual can enter into the chamber of happiness and wholesome adjustment. Wellness is dependent on the adequate coordination of physical and psychological health. Current new normal situation is creating a new arena in front of us and hence adjustment to such lifestyles is also a new task for everybody. Achieving proper mental health is reliant on the fulfillment and possession of some basic criteria like integration of thoughts, positive healthy feelings, development of healthy self-concept etc. Entire population is affected by this pandemic but the nature of consequence is to some extent different for the students of higher education subsample. Sudden changes in daily life styles make them more prone towards internet usage, substance abuse. Grief, depression, anxiety are now companion of their journey to existence. Life is not static, so intervention strategies and probable coping up processes are also there. Psychologists and Sociologists have suggested some probable pathways for achieving the homeostasis in the frame of mental health. Problems and remedial measures are just the opposite of the same coin, name life cycle and it is our duty to help the individual who is out of such healthy track so that at the end positive fragrance of life can be achieved by them. This particular paper tries to throw light on several mental health issues and coping strategies to maintain wellbeing in higher education during covid-19 pandemic.

Keywords: Mental health, higher education, well-being, pandemic, coping strategies.