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Mental Health and Marital Adjustment of Worki...

Mental Health and Marital Adjustment of Working Women

Author Name : Shashi Rashmi, M. Shafiq

ABSTRACT:  Mental health is very important for an individual’s effective living. World Health Organization (WHO, 2001) has defined health as a state of “complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease of infirmity”. Mental health is thus an important aspect of a person’s overall health. Psychologists define “Mental health as a state of being in peace with oneself and with one’s environment.” It means that an individual is able to pursue reasonable, purposeful goals; use his capacities and talents fruitfully, experiences a sense of security, of belonging, of being respected; have knowledge that he is liked or loved or wanted; posses a sense of self-report, of self- reliance, and achievement and in addition, has learned to respect others, to accept others, to love others, to live fairly and in peace with others. In the last 50 years or so, India has witnessed profound changes in almost every aspect of women’s life. The present study was carried out the objective to examine the level of Mental Health and Marital Adjustment of working women. For this, we divide working women in two groups- office employees and teachers. For this purpose a total sample of 100 working women (50 office employees and 50 teachers, 30-50 years) were taken. Mental Health Inventory by Jagdish and Srivastava (1983) and Marital Adjustment Questionnaire by Pramod Kumar and Kanchana Rohtagi (1976) were used. The results revealed that there is no significant difference between office employees and teachers on the level of mental health and marital adjustment.