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ISSN: 2455-6211

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MIS Success Factor and Organizational Perform...

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MIS Success Factor and Organizational Perform...

MIS Success Factor and Organizational Performance with Reference to Selected Private and Public Sector Units

Author Name : Jaya Yadav, Dr. Vivek Chaplot


Today is the era of information technology and communication which has resulted in the development of information systems for the business organizations. In this research work the main objectives are to find the impact of MIS success factors on organizational performance and identify the association between MIS success factors and organizational performance. The methodology used was survey method in which a questionnaire was designed and primary data collection was done through 120 respondents. The results concludes that the null hypothesis there is no impact on organizational performance due to MIS success factors was being rejected as the p-value was less than the standard alpha value which means all the factors being considered have an impact on organizational performance.

Keywords: MIS, Success Factors, Organizational Performance.