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Mobile Based System Control

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Mobile Based System Control

Mobile Based System Control

Author Name : Apoorva Manjunath Naik, Archana U.S, Ashika K, Chaithra K.M, Mrs Reshma B

ABSTRACT: The project primarily focuses on protection of connection establishment at the primary level. Consider a LAN setup with a server and all clients connected via mobile phone to the administrator. Using the mobile phone, the administrator can track and manage the client 's actions in a LAN; for example, a small text file residing in any client or server machine can be opened in your mobile. This product is cost-effective. It will provide remote control and monitoring of the LAN network, and enable network security against intrusion in the absence of an office administrator. Consider a WIFI setup with a server machine and all clients connected via mobile phone to the administrator. Using the mobile phone, the administrator will track and manage client activities in a WIFI; such as opening a small text file in some of the servers or client machines on the mobile phone. It's a cost-effective fix. It will provide remote control and monitoring of the WIFI network, and allow network protection against intrusion in the absence of an office administrator.