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Modelling and Analysis of Asymmetrically woun...

Modelling and Analysis of Asymmetrically wound 6-phase Induction Motor for improve performance

Author Name : Prabhat Kumar, K. B. Yadav

This paper presents a generalized d-q model of multiphase (more than three-phase) induction motor in Matlab/Simulink. Further, to observe the advantages of six-phase induction motor over conventional threephase counterpart, a comparative analysis is performed under similar conditions. It has been observed that the sixphase
induction motor have several advantages over conventional three-phase counterpart, such as reducing the amplitude and increasing the frequency of torque pulsation, reducing per phase current without increasing the per phase voltage, less settling time, less stator copper loss per phase, higher power handling capability, increased efficiency and more reliable than three phase induction motor.