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Need and Appraisal of Training Methods at Vi...

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Need and Appraisal of Training Methods at Vi...

Need and Appraisal of Training Methods at Vijayasri Organics Private Limited, Hyderabad

Author Name : Dr. P Sudha Rani

ABSTRACT People need competence to perform tasks. The nature of the job is constantly changing due to changes in the environment, changes in organizational priorities, goals and strategies, changes in technology etc. Higher degree and quality of performance of tasks requires higher level of competence in people of an organization is essential to achieve the organizational goals and objectives. One of the important mechanism of HRD is training which is a commonly used term which has a wide variety of connotations depending on one’s experience and background. Training and development programs are necessary in any organization for improving the quantity of work of the employees at all levels particularly in a world of fast changing technology, changing values and environment. The purpose of both is similar, the main difference between the two is in respect to the level of employees for whom these are meant and the contents and techniques employed.