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Need of Soft Skills in Graduate and Post Grad...

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Need of Soft Skills in Graduate and Post Grad...

Need of Soft Skills in Graduate and Post Graduate Students

Author Name : Nalli Raju


In today's world of cut-throat competition no organization can confine to local or regional. They aim at expansion to various countries. India, though multi-lingual and developing country, is throwing a challenge to most of the developed countries in industries such as IT, telecommunication, banking etc. For decades employers and interviewers are complaining about the lack of soft skills in graduates coming from various educational institutions, predominantly on their less communication skills and improper altitude. We still have a large people who are lack in, as for as soft skills are concerned. If are bring them up to the standards then the whole picture of India will change. On a personal basis, however, these soft skills will make us competent and employable. Today, when the service industry is booming, talent is in great demand. So, one should improve one’s interpersonal and intra personal skills to lead a good career.

Key words:   Soft Skills, Communicative Skills, etc.