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Nutrition for Cricketers

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Nutrition for Cricketers

Nutrition for Cricketers

Author Name : Neeraj Chawla

ABSTRACT Nutrition is the study of food at work in our bodies, our source for energy, and the medium for which our nutrients can function. Think of nutrition as the building blocks of life. The essential nutrients for life include carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids (fats), as well as fiber, vitamins, minerals, and water—the solvent for all soluble ingredients in the blood and cells. The absorption of nutrients starts the moment we begin to digest our foods, as they are transported to assist all the metabolic processes in the human body. Benefits:- The benefits of good nutrition are multiple. Besides helping you maintain a healthy weight, good nutrition is essential for the body and all its systems to function optimally for a lifetime. Conclusion:- In simple word we can say that nutrition is the major part of our life it nourishes our body and we can’t ignore this if we ignore nutrition value of the food we can’t live a healthy life.