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Offline GPS Tracking System

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Offline GPS Tracking System

Offline GPS Tracking System

Author Name : Bhagyashri Patil, Mayuri Patil, Sneha Patil, Nameera Pathan, Prof. M.V.Korade


Area based administrations are progressively famous. Brilliant gadgets implanted with GPS beneficiary are broadly utilized in vehicle following, law implementation and individual checking. To give continuous information gathering and investigating, a backend worker is essential. A portable application can function as a client customer for getting to area information what's more, controller. In this paper, we depict the plan and usage of a framework giving continuous situating and following help. Our framework comprises of three sections: GPS beacon, backend worker and versatile application. The quickly developing remote interchanges climate and 3G, where the standard are continually made and changed, has offered ascend to the reconciliation of GPS (Global Situating System) and GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication). This reconciliation has been generally applied in numerous orders including Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) and Logistic Management to help the clients to find their vehicles distantly. With the rise of new innovation and developments, individuals are looking through more brilliant approaches to ensure/screen their properties. In understanding to that, at present GPS based global positioning framework is every now and again utilized in vehicle following, youngsters/pet follows, any close to home possessions following, etc. A portable application is worked for showing information and controlling gadget distantly. Information getting to is through calling REST API and controller is shipped off gadget by SMS. Our gadget has been incorporated in a mobile stick as a genuineitem.

Keywords: Android Application, Arduino UNO, NEO-6M, SIM900A, etc.