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Passenger Security Using Facial Emotion Recog...

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Passenger Security Using Facial Emotion Recog...

Passenger Security Using Facial Emotion Recognition System

Author Name : Tanaya Krishna Jupalli, Rutika Pandurang Shinde, Yash Dusing, Abhijeet R. Mali, Adireddi Charan Teja, Annadi Bharath Arunaav Reddy


In this project we are going to make a “PASSENGER SECURITY USING FACIAL EMOTION RECOGNITION” system using DCNN (Deep convolutional neural network). It has proved to work with much greater accuracy than CNN (convolutional neural network). The facial expression of we humans’ changes and we only have the intelligence of understanding the meaning or classify the facial expression as - Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear, Surprise, Disgust and Neutral. So, our aim in this project is to show the mood of the person in front of the camera. And this needs that we provide our computer with the intelligence required to do so like our brains. Our brains have neural networks which are responsible for all kinds of thinking (decision making, understanding) that we do and we try to develop these neuron capabilities artificially called artificial neural network. Moreover, we will be using the concept of the deep convolutional neural network to build the application which can tell what the expression on the face of the person is.