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Performance Analysis of Increasing No. of Use...

Performance Analysis of Increasing No. of User Users Employing Triple-Play Passive Optical Network

Author Name : Jyoti Rani, Kapil Sachdeva, Ramandeep, Rakesh Goyal

INTRODUCTION    With the advancement in communication technology the need for high speed internet is increasing day by day which further demands high data rate and large bandwidth. So our future technology is required to be adaptable to offer large bandwidth and to support large number of new applications. To solve this problem fiber optic technology has been developed which uses optical light as a transmission medium. Optical fiber provides us adequate solution to solve the problem of access network [1]. Optical fiber technology offers us a combination of low error probability, high bandwidth and large transmission capacity [2].Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network (GPON) is a best choice to provide multispeed high data rate, high efficiency and full services of next generation Fiber To The Home (FTTH) system and counts the ideas of service providers at the same time [3]. GPON is observed as one of the finest technology to provide broadband access network in future. Access networks are made out of copper and were based on twisted pair and coaxial cables.