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Performance Appraisal And Productivity

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Performance Appraisal And Productivity

Performance Appraisal And Productivity

Author Name : Prof. Kavita C Achchalli, Dr. Mohammed Javed Kalburgi, Akhila . P

ABSTRACT This study is on the relationship between performance appraisal and productivity in an organization and employees’ perceptions about performance appraisal is analyzed. The objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between performance appraisal and productivity, to analyze employee perceptions to find out the various organizational variables affecting performance appraisal programs in an organization. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources and it was assessed. There exists a positive relationship between appraisal and productivity if the organization takes care of perception of employee towards its appraisal system, effectively implements post appraisal interview and counselling, involves its employees actively in appraisal process.