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Performance Evaluation of PSO based optimizat...

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Performance Evaluation of PSO based optimizat...

Performance Evaluation of PSO based optimization of Distributed Energy-Efficient Clustering (DDEEC) algorithm in heterogeneous WSN

Author Name : Anu Rathee, Indu Kashyap, Kavita Choudhary

ABSTRACT: Clustering in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is used to expand the lifetime of the whole network through data aggregation at the cluster head. This paper investigates the performance of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based DDEEC clustering protocol. This paper also presents the comparison of this PSO based protocol with the simple DDEEC protocol. PSO based DDEEC is based on the methodology of selecting a CH which is needed along with a strategy to rotate this responsibility among the sensor nodes. Matlab is used as Simulation tool to implement this algorithm. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed protocol using PSO algorithm has higher efficiency and can achieve better network lifetime and data delivery at the base station over its comparatives.