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Perspectives on Plant Tissue Culture Technolo...

Perspectives on Plant Tissue Culture Technology: A Review

Author Name : Suresh Kumar C., Keshamma E.





Tissue culture is the in-vitro aseptic culture of cells, tissues, organs or whole plant under controlled nutritional and environmental conditions. Plant tissue culture technology is being widely used for large scale plant multiplication. Apart from their use as a tool of research, plant tissue culture techniques have in recent years, become of major industrial importance in the area of plant propagation, disease elimination, plant improvement and production of secondary metabolites. In addition, plant tissue culture is considered to be the most efficient technology for crop improvement by the production of somaclonal and gametoclonal variants. The micropropagation technology has a vast potential to produce plants of superior quality, isolation of useful variants in well-adapted high yielding genotypes with better disease resistance and stress tolerance capacities. Plant tissue culture has been widely incorporated into biotechnology, the agricultural systems being a key factor to support many pharmaceutical and industrial outcomes. Plant tissue culture allowed using its several traits through transgenic breeds for the benefit of farmers and companies helped in the reduction of pesticide application having better nutritional quality. In this review we aimed to discuss on the perspectives in the developments of plant cell culture technologies for production of plant-derived substances.

Keywords: Plant tissue culture, Agriculture, Pharmaceuticals, Embryo culture, Protoplast Fusion