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Popcorn Lung Disease

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Popcorn Lung Disease

Popcorn Lung Disease

Author Name : Naveli K. Patil, Rutuja. V. Pagare


A rare kind of chronic obstructive pulmonary illness called “pneumonoultramicroscopisilicovolcanoconiosis,” also known as “Black lung disease” or “Popcorn lung,” destroys the bronchioles’ tiny airways, making breathing difficult. Popcorn lung (bronchiolitis obliterans) frequently causes coughing and shortness of breath, symptoms that are comparable to those of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). There were first indications and symptoms. A via history, lung function tests, chest X-rays, and CT scan are necessary for diagnosing an initial symptoms. Therapies available for symptoms of breathing and cell-mediated airway injury include oxygen, corticosteroids, and antibiotics. The extent of the illness progression could need lung transplantation. Reducing exposure to hazardous substances and Substances is a wise way to control and prevent popcorn lung. Ensure your safety while working and Give up smoking and start using e-cigarettes and vaping supplies.