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Portrayal of Women in Githa Hariharan’s Nov...

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Portrayal of Women in Githa Hariharan’s Nov...

Portrayal of Women in Githa Hariharan’s Novels: The Ghosts of Vasu Master and In Times of Seige

Author Name : Ashok Singh, Dr. Mukesh Sharma


The Research paper entitled “portrayal of women in githa hariharan’s novels: the ghosts of vasu master and in times of seige” deals with varied Social realities emerging issues of deep significance about women. In The Ghosts of Vasu Master, we find first person narration as the writer’s mode of presentation. Here, the protagonist of the novel, Vasu Master, narrated varieties of stories inclusive of animal fable, ghost story, personal autobiographical musings and contemplations and even Ayurveda (medical) lectures to Mani, an abnormal boy. His main motif of these narrations was only a trial to heal Mani. In Times of Siege reflects contemporary India obsessed with the over belongingness to region, religion and race. The research will examine her progressive ideas on women autonomy through education and self-employment. The result will be formulated on the basis of position of women and feminine sensibility, neglection of women in patriarchal society and gender disparity and longings of women in the given novel.

Keywords: Gender inequality, identity crisis, myth, lores, mythological characters.