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Practical Research Capability of the Senior H...

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Practical Research Capability of the Senior H...

Practical Research Capability of the Senior High School Students in the Philippine Setting

Author Name : Maricel F. Delis, MA. Victoria D. Naboya


This study centered on the practical research skills of Grade 11 Senior High School students of all tracks in Quezon province.The descriptive-evaluative design was utilized, and results revealed that out of the fourteen practical research skills needed by the respondents in conducting quality and relevant research, the lowest weighted arithmetic mean were reviewing literature and studies, formulating research questions and studies, determining the variables to be measured, choosing an appropriate research design, determining a sample and collecting and coding the data. With average mastery on writing a good research title, deciding on scope and limitation, adopting a theoretical framework or conceptual framework, interpreting data, writing the research report, making citations, and writing final references. These results gave the researchers an idea that the Grade 11 SHS learners had prior research skills mastery which gave the impression that they are ready to cope with the demands of the SHS curriculum in research have to be strengthened and enhanced in order to cope with the challenges.  The researchersrecommended the use of an intervention material developed from this study to gain greater awareness on improving research skills with low mastery and conduct an assessment also to allSHS students from all tracks.

Keywords: assessment, intervention material, practical research, research skills, senior highschool