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Prevalence and Antibiotic Susceptibility Patt...

Prevalence and Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Escherichia Coli Isolated from Drinking Water Samples of Akola City

Author Name : Barate D.L, Sharma P.M





Drinking water is one of the most essential components in our life which is closely associated with human health. The identification of E. coli has been extensively used as an indicator of drinking water quality. The present study was aimed to isolate E. coli from drinking water. In the study sample were collected from various sources of Akola city. The highest occurrence of E. coli was found in can water 61.90% followed by tap water 18.75% while, RO filter water 6.6% and bore well water samples did not shown any E. coli presence. The antibiotic susceptibility testing showed that all the isolates were completely resistance towards tetracycline, ampicillin, amoxyclave and erythromycin while bio film detection showed 03 isolates from can water followed by 02 isolates from tap water and 01 isolate from RO filter water were positive. The presence of drug resistance and bio film detection amongst E. coli indicates a possible health hazards among the human which cause severe illness by drinking water from such sources.

Keywords - Drinking Water, E. coli, Resistant, Bio film