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Problems Faced by Rural Students in Understan...

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Problems Faced by Rural Students in Understan...

Problems Faced by Rural Students in Understanding English as a Second Language: A Case Study of Mahasamund District in Chhattisgarh

Author Name : Dr. Surendra Kumar Sao


The study began with the problem of unawareness and negligence of tribal students in remote areas of Mahasamund district towards learning English language. The lack of proficiency in English language was identified as a major obstacle to the education of Tribal learners. Nearly six decades of development efforts could not yield an indelible dent in their conditions. The inappropriate syllabus and teaching method of English develops a negative attitude in learners towards learning. The fear of learning English language is one of the factor to stop their education because English language is a critical requirement rather than an option at the higher level.

Key words- Moulding, unawareness, negligence, transformation, hinder, marginalized.