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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Prospects & Challenges of the Entrepreneurshi...

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Prospects & Challenges of the Entrepreneurshi...

Prospects & Challenges of the Entrepreneurship Development in Assam

Author Name : Dr. Nishi Borgohain, Himadri Lekharu

ABSTRACT Assam plays a crucial role in India's economy, driven by its prominence in agriculture, tea production; the rich biodiversity fuels a thriving tourism sector, while the handloom and handicraft industry contributes to the state's multifaceted economic landscape. Recognizing its economic significance, Assam provides fertile ground for entrepreneurial endeavors, with opportunities spanning agribusiness, tourism, and traditional industries. This paper presents current employment statistics and assesses key sectors of Assam with entrepreneurial potential. The findings emphasize the need for targeted investments in infrastructure, financial literacy, skill development, and technology adoption to create an environment for entrepreneurship.