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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Protein and Peptide Drug Delivery System

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Protein and Peptide Drug Delivery System

Protein and Peptide Drug Delivery System

Author Name : Nikita D. Gidde, Vaibhavi K. Tarlekar, Sanika N. Taralekar, Shrutika S. Vedpathak, Dhanashri V. Waghmode, Dhanashri G. Panasare





Protein and peptide drug delivery system are Novel drug delivery system. Proteins and peptides are the most abundant components of biological cell. They exist functioning such as enzyme, hormones structural elements and immunoglobulin. The twenty different naturally occurring amino acids join with each other by peptide bond and build polymers referred to peptides and proteins. The main aim of this review article is to provide information like advantages of protein and peptide via different routes of administration. Targeted to particular site and its implications in drug delivery system. This review summarizes different pharmaceutical approaches which overcome various physiological barriers that helps to improve oral bioavailability that ultimately achieve formulation goals for oral delivery. Proteins and peptide-based drugs have great potential applications as therapeutic agents since they have higher efficacy and lower toxicity than chemical drugs. Peptides are the important in biology, chemistry and medicine because they are building blocks of hormones, toxins, proteins, enzymes, cells and body tissues. Now a day many drugs are in the world market, while several hundred are in clinical trials. Due to its wider applications in pharmaceutical industries, they will replace many existing organic based pharmaceuticals. The present review briefly describes the possible methods for delivery of protein and peptide drug through various routes.

Keywords: Protein, Drug Delivery System, Amino acid, Routes.