International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods

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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Quality Teaching & Higher Education System in India

Author Name : Monika

ABSTRACT: The paper studies on Quality Teaching & Higher education system in India. The system aims to provide a theoretical background to the OECD-IMHE policy quality of teaching in higher education. It highlights the main debates on the topic to date, hoping to present the different perspectives that exist on the topic of quality in teaching. The review of the literature is organized in three main parts as to address three major questions: 1) “What is Quality Teaching and why is it important in higher education?” 2) “How can teaching concretely be enhanced?” 3) “How can one make sure Quality Teaching initiatives are effective?”2. Quality teaching has become an issue of importance as the landscape of higher education has been facing continuous changes: increased international competition, increasing social and geographical diversity of the student body, increasing demands of value for money, introduction of information technologies, etc. 3. But quality teaching lacks a clear definition, because quality can be stakeholder relative. The impact of research, of the “scholarship of teaching” and of learning communities on teaching quality is discussed here.4. Quality teaching initiatives are very diverse both in nature and in function. The role of the professors, of the department, of the central university and of the state is analyzed, as well as the goals and the scope of this initiatives.5. Choosing reliable and quantifiable indicators to assess the quality of one’s teaching and the efficiency of teaching initiatives remains challenging. Various methods and their efficiency are discussed here. The factors that determine whether appropriate use is made of the feedback provided are also brought into discussion.