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Quantification and Inventorization of Fugitive Dust of a Coal Washery – A Case Study

Author Name : Prashil Shukla, Ashish Shukla, Dr. V.P. Thergaonkar

ABSTRACT:  Inventorization and Quantification of dust emitted from coal washery operations is studied for the selected coal washery. The selected coal washery runs using heavy media separation technique. Coal washery undertake the washing of raw coal received from different collieries particularly from open cast mines which contain sand, mud, dust, shales and other impurities which have no calorific value. These impurities are estimated to be around 20%.Using raw coal, the process time of consumer industries gets lengthened, generates high ash and creates extreme fugitive dust emissions. The transportation cost of coal is also on higher side, so using washed coal reduces the cost of transportation for consumer. Use of raw coal impacts yield & productivity of consumer industries. All such problems can be overcome if the raw coal is sized, washed, cleaned and then made available for the user industries. Coal washery emits dust during crushing, stacking, transportation of raw and washed coal. This dust emission needs to inventorize and quantify to predict incremental ground level concentration prior to start of operations for regulatory purposes and used as a tool to quantify impact on environmental settings of the area. Hence the study is conducted.