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Rape and Racial Representation as Reflected i...

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Rape and Racial Representation as Reflected i...

Rape and Racial Representation as Reflected in John Maxwell Coetzee’s Novel Disgrace (1999)

Author Name : Junaid Khalid Khan, Bilal A. Shah


Postcolonialism  has most  common melodies and thematic analysis  like “cultural dominance”  “racism”, “hunt for ego identity’, “women exploitation”,  “racial discrimination”  “injustice” “inequality”, “hybridity” along with some unique  presentation styles. In pursuance to same, Presents study was intended to investigate the representation of rape and racial revenge in John Maxwell Coetzee’s most controversial Novel, Disgrace (1999).  Indeed, this Novel is   actual representation of racial tension in post-apartheid climate of South Africa. In its stanch vision at post-apartheid South Africa, Disgrace is a racial book, which offers a dark vision of the post-apartheid South African   society as seen by one white male character. Coetzee’s Novel is the factual representation of Post-colonial literature. It predominantly emphases on colonial inclinations, racism, apartheid, genocides, protest, displacement, exile, identity crisis, slavery, possession of land, mass executions of the natives, and other subjects.  For instance the first racial discrimination has been shown by Lurie. In the novel the racial tension can be seen in the names of several characters.

Key words:  Rape Representation, Racial Representation, Disgrace (1999)