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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Real Study on Fly Ash Polymer Composite

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Real Study on Fly Ash Polymer Composite

Real Study on Fly Ash Polymer Composite

Author Name : Sumit, Abhishek Arya

ABSTRACT: Fly-ash is mixed with Cold setting resin at different| proportions and water treated at different temperatures to search out out an answer to the brick trade. The compressive strength, Hardness, water absorption, Density and thermal physical phenomenon of the Fly ash -resin powder bricks obtained below optimum test conditions are eleven.24 MPa, 47.37HV, 19.09% 1.68 g/cm3, and 0.055 W/mK respectively. The sliding wear behavior is also investigated. The structure-property correlation of those composites are studied using X-ray diffraction, FTIR analysis and scanning electron microscopy.