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Red Stone Mining in Ratnagiri District Proble...

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Red Stone Mining in Ratnagiri District Proble...

Red Stone Mining in Ratnagiri District Problems and Remedies

Author Name : Dr. B. D. Karhad


The purpose of this research is to find out the nature of the problems faced by the red stone mining in Konkan, especially in the Ratnagiri district. Laterite or red stone (Jamba stone) is the type of rock. It is usually found in hot and humid equatorial regions. In India, Red stone (Jamba) is found in Konkan. The collection of data is from primary and secondary sources. An analysis of the collected data reveals that the Redstone mining industry in Konkan is facing problems such as high royalty on extraction, as well as waste, GST, bar code system, labour shortage, and corruption. The researchers’ suggestions include a reduction of royalty rate on both production and waste, removal of GST on the red stone mining , removal of bar code system, incentives for water storage or harvesting in mines, minimum wages for workers, curbing corruption, etc. Government offices for mining regulation and environmental policy are expected to consider these suggestions.

Keywords: Konkan, Red stone mining, Chira, Ratnagiri.