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Relevance of Santiago’s Struggle as a Parab...

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Relevance of Santiago’s Struggle as a Parab...

Relevance of Santiago’s Struggle as a Parable of Human Effort in Hemingway’s the old Man and the Sea

Author Name : Basavarajappa. H.M

ABSTRACT The lost generation, tag is applied to the disillusioned intellectuals of the 1920s who rebelled against traditional values and ideas, but could replace them only by despair or a cynical hedonism. The Old Man and the Sea tells the story of battle between an aging, experienced fisherman Santiago, and a large Marlin. It is a story of allegorical commentary on all his previous work of Ernest Hemingway, by means of which it may be established that the religious overtones. It is a naturalistic novella with a humanistic outcome. This novella was published in 1952. This parable of man’s struggle with nature of man’s stoic courage and endurance tells of the Cuban fisherman Santiago who for 84 luckless days has rowed his skiff into the Gulf Stream in quest of Marlin.