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Research Paper on Zone Adaptive Virtual Coord...

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Research Paper on Zone Adaptive Virtual Coord...

Research Paper on Zone Adaptive Virtual Coordinate Selection Approach for WSN Optimization

Author Name : Parmila Kumari, Ms. Pooja Dhankhar

ABSTRACT: Wireless networks give the concept of distributed architecture so that the sharing of information as well as resources can be done effectively. There are different mediums of performing the communication over the network. This all results an effective sharing of information and resources. While performing the communication in such network there is the requirement of more effective information sharing techniques. The research paper is about to perform the analysis of sensor network under different real time scenarios so that the work includes the discussion on sensor network, its architecture and define a virtual coordinator based routing for sensor network in details. For this, we will use area localization approach to divide the network in smaller zones with specification of coordinator node. Further, work is to maintain the zone nodes statistics on coordinator node to identify the effective next hop. Final objective of the work is to minimize the energy consumption and improve the network life. All these results are simulated with help of Matlab 2013a tool in a comparison with existing and purposed technique. Parameters taken in consideration are alive & dead nodes analysis, Round Based Communication Analysis.