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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Response of Hybrid Brinjal to Fertiliser Nutr...

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Response of Hybrid Brinjal to Fertiliser Nutr...

Response of Hybrid Brinjal to Fertiliser Nutrients on Inceptisol of Andhra Pradesh

Author Name : Dr Ch Kiran Kumar, Dr. G. Narashimha Murthy

ABSTRACT Fertiliser use play a key role to mitigate nutrient mining in soil and therefore, usage of fertiliser inputs should be based on crop response to applied nutrients for various soil types. At this moment, Soil Test Crop Response based Integrated Plant Nutrition System (STCR-IPNS) has got a predominant role in managing demand driven nutrient supply to crops for enhanced yield, Fertiliser use efficiency and profitability to farmers. With this scope ahead, present study has been undertaken with hybrid brinjal (Solanum melongena L.),a member of Solanaceae family, the most common vegetable cultivated in Andhra Pradesh, with a view to establish relationship between soil test values and crop response to applied fertilisers. Regardless of the fertility strips, response to fertiliser N, P2O5 and K2O was increased gradually in test crop experiment up to highest level i.e. 240:120:180 kg ha-1 , correspondingly and to FYM@ 25 t ha-1 ; initial soil fertility and IPNS also had profound influence on yield and uptake by hybrid brinjal