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Review Paper on optimization of household ene...

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Review Paper on optimization of household ene...

Review Paper on optimization of household energy budget and payback period

Author Name : Naveen, Ms. Kajal,

There is various techniques that result in energy savings in a building or house, each having a special cost of function and different cost. Our main aim with Linear Programming methodology is to conclude the budget. Actions are taken in the problem statement that is used to save the maximum energy of the household or resident. In this objective problem is of power saving and budget estimation. Here we are using different material as the constraints function for the different value of savings of energy. Linear programming is used here in calculations to install photovoltaic solar cell and solar panels, changing normal windows having double glazed window. We are also changing normal incandescent bulbs to fluorescent light bulbs; also changing the quality of appliances i.e. C class appliances is changed with A class. When we are doing this then by the appropriate method which we are using we can see that replacing with double glazed window and triple glazed window and normal CFL bulbs are the effective choice for low budget. In the output we are getting maximum savings of energy in the household building or we can also use it for commercial purpose.