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Rheumatic Diseases Research Publications: A S...

Rheumatic Diseases Research Publications: A Scientometric Analysis

Author Name : K. Sivasami


This paper discuss on Scientometric analysis of Rheumatic diseases research publications, the data have been collected from the Web of Science database. Aims of the study; to find out the year wise publications on Rheumatic diseases research during from 2011-2020, to examine authorship pattern, to find out top ten institutions contributed in Rheumatic diseases research, to identify top twenty five countries contributed in Rheumatic diseases research. The study reveals that, the year wise publications shows an increasing trend rheumatic diseases research, out of 5279 publications 5030 papers were published in English language, out of 18511 authors Sable C has first position with 53 contributions in rheumatic diseases, followed by Beaton A has second position with 48 contributions, Bernatsky S A and Okello E has third position with 45 contributions respectively. Single author contributions are less compare with multi authored contribution. out of 5226 Harvard University has first position with 140 contributions,  University of London has second position with 128 contributions, Assistance Publique Hopitaux Paris – APHP has third position with 122 contributions. out of 777 sources Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases has occupies first position with 889 papers, out of 160 United States of America has contributed highest contributions with 1142 papers.

Keywords: Rheumatic diseases, inflammatory diseases, rheumatologic diseases, Rheumatology.