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Call For Papers : LokSanwad Foundation Aurangabad, Maharashtra One Day...
Right To Health A Legal Study
Author Name : Shalini Rai
“Healthy citizens are the greatest assets any country can have” Winston S. Churchill
Every human being possesses the right to live with grandeur which can only be realized with good health as well as a sense of well-being. As the health, as well as the morality of the people, is cardinal to their well-being, as well as for the peace and permanence of the state, it shall be obligatory for the legislature to safeguard and encourage these vital interests, as a healthy nation emerges from healthy citizens. The word health has been obtained from the old English word health and makes reference to a state of being sound. It was used to infer the soundness of the body. Health is a state which is free from disease or impairment and is a fundamental universal human right. Health has also been defined as a zestful state of well-being identified by a physical and mental perspective that reassures the demands of life compatible with age, culture and personal responsibility. Also, health has been described as a conjoint state in which one is able to function efficaciously whether physically, mentally, spiritually or socially. Health has also been described as the utilitarian and metabolic productivity of a human being. Terri Guillemets has defined health as a correlation between a person and his body.