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Role of J & K Bank in Economic Development of...

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Role of J & K Bank in Economic Development of...

Role of J & K Bank in Economic Development of Jammu and Kashmir

Author Name : Rameez Raja, Dr. S H Indurwade, Ajaz Ahmad Dass

ABSTRACT The Jammu & Kashmir Bank is a growing and profit-making Bank in India. The profits of the Bank have tremendously increased during the period under study and are likely to grow further as the trend is soaring upward. The Jammu and Kashmir bank became a pioneer in the finance of road transport, horticulture and hotels to promote tourism and to extent financial assistance to artisans to promote traditional handicrafts as well. Over the last two decades of turbulence in the state, the Jammu and Kashmir bank sustains economic and business activity as most nationalized banks downed their shutters. Risking its property and staff the Jammu and Kashmir bank kept its branches functional to serve people, to extend banking facilities to government functionaries and also to security agencies sanctioned in remote places to fight militancy and to maintain law and order.