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Role of Prana Vayu in Brain Function: Ayurve...

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Role of Prana Vayu in Brain Function: Ayurve...

Role of Prana Vayu in Brain Function: Ayurvedic Insights into Cognitive Disorders

Author Name : Dr. Shruti Phadtare, Dr. Rushali Awarashe, Dr. Kishorkumar Madavi, Dr. Gurunath Khanolkar

ABSTRACT Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, emphasizes the critical role of 'Prana Vayu', a subtype of 'Vata Dosha', in governing brain function and cognitive processes. This review explores the concept of Prana Vayu from an Ayurvedic perspective, its anatomical and physiological correlations with modern neurobiology, and its role in cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and anxiety. By integrating Ayurvedic principles with contemporary understanding, this article highlights potential therapeutic approaches for managing cognitive disorders through the modulation of Prana Vayu.