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Role of Social Media in Creating Environmenta...

Role of Social Media in Creating Environmental Awareness among University Students

Author Name : Mige Kambu , Taje Pali



ABSTRACT Social media today has become an integral part of human society. It acts as a fundamental platform through which ideas, information, knowledge, interests, opinions are disseminated among people of the world. With the development of social media connectivity and communication have become easier; various issues of the world are known by large number of population through social media platforms such as Facebook, twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp etc. in context of environment too social media plays an imperative role in creating environmental awareness among the people. Environmental awareness today is a pressing need of the society to make the people realize of environmental hazards and to initiate actions, starting from the individual level. Social Media acts as a means in creating consciousness and awareness about the ramifications of environmental problems such as Global Warming, Land degradation, air pollution, deforestation etc. Environmental education hence, becomes easier by using social media. Many environmental concerned citizens post and share various environmental issues to ignite among the people the sense of responsibilities towards protection and preservation of natural environment. Pages, websites, groups are created on social media platforms to spread information and awareness related to environmental issues. The main advantage of the social media lies in the fact that it helps in connecting large number of people. The present study is therefore, an attempt to understand the role of social media and its types in creating environmental awareness among university students. For the collection of data both primary and secondary data shall be used. Further, 120 students shall be used as the sample size of the study. This is done using simple random sampling method.