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SCADA Application in Density Based Traffic Li...

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SCADA Application in Density Based Traffic Li...

SCADA Application in Density Based Traffic Light System

Author Name : Ashwani Sangwan, Vivek Kumar,

Due to increase in urban traffic has resulted in traffic congestions, long travelling time and increase hazards to pedestrians due to inefficient traffic light controls. This problem necessitate the use of new methods in the design of traffic light control for vehicles and pedestrian crossings. This project is used to develop a density based dynamic traffic signal system. The signal timing changes automatically on sensing the traffic density at the junction. In many major cities Traffic congestion is the biggest problem all around the world and become a nightmare for the commuters in these cities. Conventional traffic light system is a fixed time concept on each side of road which cannot be varied traffic density. Sometimes higher traffic density at one side of the road demands longer green time as compared to standard time. By using SCADA which is mainly used for the automation purpose in the industries and also at the other places to do work without man power. Here is the scope of SCADA is that to control traffic on “Density Bases” which avoid the traffic Jam situations in metro cities as we face in our daily life and also it can control the traffic remotely by visualizing (monitoring) the traffic situation and provide the clear path (road) in case of emergency like ambulance, fire brigade etc. The system is able to sense the presence or absence of vehicles in range to react according to traffic signals. By using mathematical functions for calculating the timing for the green signal which help to solve the problem of traffic  congestion. The new timing scheme that was implemented in the current traffic light system which is feasible, affordable and ready to implement during peak hours. Another chance of improvement is to use the infrared sensors and replaced the imaging system/camera system so that it has a wide range of detection capabilities which can be enhanced and ventured into a perfect traffic system. By analyze and study about the previous researches, its help more to understand the concept and the application to be use for this prototype. This Project can be categorized to three main criteria which is mechanical, electrical and programming.