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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Seasonal Variation in Sedimentlogical Paramet...

Seasonal Variation in Sedimentlogical Parameters of the Estuarine Ecosystem of River Kali, Karwar, West Coast of India

Author Name : Umadevi. D, J. L. Rathod

ABSTRACT In nearshore and estuarine environments, mangrove ecosystems are essential for maintaining sedimentary deposits and controlling salinity and freshwater discharge. In order to analyze the texture and composition of the sediment, this study collected sediment every month for thirteen months at four different study sites. The composition of the sediment and the amount of organic carbon varied significantly between stations and seasons, according to the results. The majority of the sediment had a sandy texture, with differing proportions of silt, clay, and sand. The results emphasize how mangroves affect the sediment flux and hydrodynamic regime in estuarine environments. This research offers significant understanding of how mangroves affect the physical and ecological dynamics of coastal regions, highlighting the significance of taking these aspects into account in conservation and management initiatives. Sediment samples were taken from four distinct study stations along the west coast of India's Kali Estuary on a monthly basis. Numerous sedimentological parameters were examined in collected sediment sample analysis. The current study will provide up-to-date information on the estuarine ecosystem's sedimentological state along the Kali River in Karwar.