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Sir Sayyad Ahmad Khan: The Editor and Journa...

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Sir Sayyad Ahmad Khan: The Editor and Journa...

Sir Sayyad Ahmad Khan: The Editor and Journalist

Author Name : Muhammad Azeemuddin


Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was a person with many distinctions. A government servant, an aristocrat, an Islamic academic, a writer, an educator, and left behind a collection of newspapers, articles, magazines. At the same time, he made many reforms in Urdu literature. Many genres in Urdu rise from him and his peers. In the art of essay writing, he was a role model who became an integral part of journalism. He started his journalistic career with his brother Syed Mohammad Khan's newspaper Syed-Al-Akhbar. It was a very popular newspaper in Delhi. From here, many essential and historical books were also published. Since then, his journalistic services have appeared in the newspaper of the Scientific Society. Besides, the Institute Gazette also shows a new standard of journalism. Apart from all these, his great journalistic work is the civilization of ethics. He urged that if Muslims did not move in time, all their ideals would be overthrown by the West's pressure. In the field of Urdu journalism, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan performed three great deeds. (1) Syed Al-Akhbar, (2) Aligarh Institute Gazette, and (3) Tehzeeb-ul-Akhlaq, which are excellent examples of Sir Syed's principles, philosophy of journalism. With the launch of these newspapers and magazines, his aim was to persuade the Muslims of India to adopt a perfect level of civilization, so that even a civilized society that looked down on them would change its mind. And they should also be able to be called a respectable and civilized society in the world. The purpose of this research article is to present his editorial and journalistic services.

KEYWORDS: Sir Sayyad Ahmad Khan, Urdu Journalism, Urdu News Papers, Urdu Magazines, Editorial, Urdu Literature, Aligarh Movement.