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Smart Urbanization: Enhancing City Infrastruc...

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Smart Urbanization: Enhancing City Infrastruc...

Smart Urbanization: Enhancing City Infrastructure through IoT Technology

Author Name : Guruswamy T. B.

ABSTRACT The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technology is driving smart urbanization, which is transforming the urban development landscape. This study examines the value of utilizing IoT in the context of urbanization, emphasizing how revolutionary technology can be in improving municipal services and infrastructure. This paper explains the complex effects of IoT-enabled smart urbanization by looking at important elements such sensor networks, data analytics, connectivity, smart devices, and integration platforms and discussing advantages, difficulties, and case studies. Successful implementations in cities such as Singapore, Barcelona, Amsterdam, and Songdo provide insights that illuminate practical applications and possible solutions. The study also explores prospects for the future and offers suggestions, highlighting the influence of new technology, legislative frameworks, community involvement, and cooperation in determining the course of smart urbanization. In summary, this study emphasizes how critical it is to accept IoT technology as a driver for inclusive, effective, and sustainable urban development in the twenty-first century.